Admission Requirement for 2024/2025

Admission Requirement

Federal Co-operative College Oji River, Enugu State is an accredited institution that is regulated by the National Board of Technical Education (NBTE). As an institution, to become a student one has to meet the following General Entry Requirements;
No person under the age of sixteen (16) years may be admitted to the College as a student.
Admission Requirements for National Diploma Programmes
Federal Co-operative College Oji River, Enugu State requires all candidates applying for admission into any of its courses to possess five credit at O’ Level passes which must include a credit pass in English Language, Mathematics and three other subjects relevant to their course of study in not more than two sittings.

Candidates are also required to meet with the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB)’s required cut-off-mark before being admitted.

Admission Requirement for Higher National Diploma Programmes

For Entry requirement into Higher National Diploma Programmes, candidates must present a National Diploma certificate with a minimum of a Lower Credit pass in the relevant course of study sought for.
Candidates must have also gone through the compulsory Post National Diploma cognate work experience to fit for Higher National Diploma admission

Admission for Requirement for Post Diploma Programmes

The College offers a Post Diploma programme in Cooperative Economics and Management for candidates who have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher National Diploma in a different field. Suitable candidate shall posses a first Degree with a minimum of a pass to get admitted.

Contents on National Diploma Programmes:

Federal Co-operative College Oji River, Enugu State offeres the following programmes at National Diploma level as aacceed by the National Board for Technical Education in the management sciences:

– Accountancy
– Banking and Finance
– Business Administration and Management
– Co-operative Economics and Management
– Computer Science
– Marketing
– Public Administration

Candidates who seeks admission in to any of these departments shall meet with the requirement of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. They shall also pass with at least two (2) sittings of O’Levele, including Mathematics and English and the three other subjects relevant to their choice of study.

Higher National Diploma Programme

The institution also runs Higher National Diploma Programmes as accredited by the National Board for Technical Education in the following departments:
– Banking and Finance
– Business Administration and Management
– Computer Science
– Co-operative Economics and Management

Prospective students into any of these departments shall posses a National Diploma Programme relevant to any of the field with at least a lower credit to gain admission. Such students must have undertone the complulsory Industrial Training with cognate experience.

Professional Diploma Programme
As an insrituio built with core values of continuous education and training of cooperative members and educators, the college also run a professional Diploma Program in Co-operative Studies.

Prospective students who seek to undergo this program are to possess a bachelor’s degree or higher National diploma in any field.

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